St. Helena Weekend Guide


As I have mentioned in a previous post, I have a vacation home in Napa Valley. It has been tough to spend much time there during COVID, but as things are opening up, I decided to take a road trip to Napa. Currently my daughter and her fiancé are living in my home, so I was excited to visit!

There is so much to do and see in Napa Valley that I cannot do it justice in one blog. I have decided to split it in two. Today's post will cover some of my favorite local haunts. The next post (which will be in a couple of days) I want to talk about some of the new restaurants we experienced as well as give a shout out to some of our favorites. So let's begin!

Much of this post will be focused on the town of St. Helena. Clearly there are many small communities in Napa Valley, but I want to talk mostly about St. Helena in this post. There are many places to explore and I certainly can't cover them all. But I can at least begin with some of my favorites.


Main Street in St. Helena has many interesting boutiques, but one of the best is Acres home + garden. Acres has an eclectic mix of products for garden and home. There is never a time when I walk into Acres that I don't walk out with some unique find. Who knew gardening tools could be so beautiful! They have great gifts for the home, a stunning selection of faux flowers and plants, and one of the most hilarious greeting card assortments ever! It is a great store to explore; you should definitely stop by!

My other favorite store on Main is PEARL Wonderful Clothing. This boutique has a beautifully curated selection of apparel and accessories. I don't think listing designers is really relevant because every time I visit there is a new line, often from a designer I am not familiar with. So it is fun to drop in to see what is happening. I will say that the product tends to be contemporary and also a bit pricey. But it is a lovely store and worth your time.


Napa Valley is obviously famous for wine, but it also produces some outstanding olive oil. About three blocks off Main Street on Charter Oak, you will come across a St. Helena icon, Napa Valley Olive Oil Company. Located in an eclectic old barn, this company has been around for 80 years and produces some of the most incredible olive oil. In addition to the huge variety of olive oil you will find, there is also an amazing variety of Italian products. Don't expect some grandiose interior; it is funky and fun. It is a fun adventure!


Although I am going to discuss some of my favorite restaurants in the next blog, there are a couple of very casual eateries for breakfast or lunch. I love Gillwoods Cafe. Located on Main Street, Gillwoods offers traditional American fare that is simple, classic and down home. From a Bacon Bloody Mary to the Napa Scramble to Banana Pecan Pancakes, you will love breakfast at Gillwoods. They also serve lunch, but I am obsessed with the breakfast selection.

The other casual eatery that I would suggest is Gotts Roadside. Founded in 1999 by the Gotts brothers, the food is California inspired, the ingredients are local, and there is an amazing wine selection. It honestly doesn't matter what you order at Gotts; it is all fresh and exactly the quality you would expect from a Napa Valley restaurant, albeit a very casual one. Gotts is also open for dinner but my preference is definitely lunch.

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It is absolutely impossible to cover wineries in Napa Valley; there are over 400! So I am just going to talk about the three I visited on this trip (and maybe mention a couple of other favorites!) The first is Cakebread Cellars. I simply love this winery! I have been a member of the wine club for many years, but I never tire of visiting. The winery has recently been remodeled so it is worth the trip just to see the building and the grounds. Obviously, I like Cakebread wine, but I also like the people who work there. They always make you feel special, are very generous with the pours and allow members to bring guests free of charge. I have also been to several cooking classes at the winery which have been an absolute blast!


Our next stop was Paraduxx. Paraduxx is part of the Duckhorn family of wineries. I am also a wine club member at Duckhorn, but thought we would do a tasting at Paraduxx for a change. The interesting fact about Paraduxx is that it is the only winery in Napa that is devoted exclusively to making blends. Though probably best known for their selection of reds, we did a rose sampling instead. It was a very warm day and the rose was absolutely a perfect choice.

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Finally we visited Kenzo Estate in Napa. This was my first visit to this winery; my friend Christy had just visited and gave it a very strong recommendation. It is owned by Kenzo Tsujimoto, the founder of Capcom, a Japanese video game company. Although the original plan for the land was as a retreat for Capcom employees, it ultimately was developed into a vineyard in 1999. The property is stunning. It is 3,800 acres of some of the most beautiful country in the valley. The wines are exceptional, although definitely pricey. As an example, the 2020 Asatsuyu Sauvignon Blanc is priced at $80.00. I love sauvignon blanc, but this is certainly one of the most expensive I have ever purchased. The tasting included several reds, and a rose. Honestly these were some of the best wines I have ever tasted. But you will definitely pay to enjoy them.


There are so many great wineries in Napa Valley. I love wine, but am certainly not an expert. I can only tell you which wineries I have visited and enjoyed. But when you come to Napa, you will find your own favorites! In addition to those mentioned, try Chateau Montelena, Quintessa, Reverie II, or Hall. Honestly you can't go wrong!

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